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Blockchain backed Supplychain

By using distributed ledgers, smart contracts, Non-fungible tokens, and fungible tokens, the Glasspaper network can integrate across supply chain flows and enable transparency at every point.

Blockchain Supplychain

In-house Supplychain Product

In-house Supplychain Product

Supply-chain is the verticle where our success journey began. We built a powerful hybrid dapp that empowers the textile industry's supply chain.

The dapp is built on Ethereum Blockchain, supporting supply chain traceability. To demonstrate how this works, we have developed a functioning prototype that showcases the ability to collect information and record it on the immutable decentralized database. A Non-fungible token is attached to every product hash created by the smart contract, which helps trace the flow of the Product along with the token. An ERC 20 token is provided as a loyalty token that can be used to make inward and outward payments within the ecosystem. Our development pipeline includes a complete decentralized marketplace with KYC-verified vendors and platform-trusted ERC 20 payments.

Glasspaper Whitepaper

How can you Improve Efficiency using Blockchain Technology?

Glasspaper is all set to help customers who have a keen focus on projects in supply chain strategy and transformation using Blockchain technology. Our experts will help you append again, this time with Blockchain technology. Our team of experts, the “Blockchain artists” will help you deal with all the requirements for creating a transparent supply chain process with clean dissemination of data by developing a distributed ledger for your supply chain on both public and enterprise blockchains. Our enterprise Blockchain solutions are totally customizable and can cater to the need for transparent multi-party transactions.

Go ahead, and request a consultation. Glasspaper is always ready to serve you.

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